My CGE exploration

Recently I try to convert to CGE, CGE is the best game engine in pascal

I also found some problems and reported

1、FPS low problem
Has been resolved,The official response is extremely fast, too efficient

2、TiledMap obscured problem
This problem will be solved in the future

3、How to judge the mouse on irregular image in TiledMap
This problem will be solved in the future

I have stuck in these places, I want to study again in other CGE directions

Until I found out TCastleControl, I took a day to do the role editor (I use TDrawableImage to draw by myself on VCL Form), The effect is very good

The next goal is the map editor, TCastleControl It’s so easy to use


I took one day to do the MapEdit (I use TDrawableImage to draw by myself on VCL Form)

I haven’t used TCastleTiledMap

Similar to this TiledMap,I always think that draw by myself is the best way, because personalized ideas can be realized by myself


this looks awesome :upside_down_face: good job!

Because have TCASTLECONTROL,combined with powerful Components on VCLFrom,so you can build a set of game development tool chains,I am very satisfied with the performance of CGE in this regard

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