.starling-xml or castle-sprite-sheet format

I use Texturepacker for creating spritescreens and tested the new castle-sprite-sheet editor.
I noticed there’s a standard large box around the image using the resulting castle-sprite-sheet editor result, where .starling-xml scales the box directly around the borders of the image without much background. It seems to me that collision is too rough. Does the box not shrink around every single image?

Texturepacker basic output:

Castle-sprite-sheet uses same gridsize for each image, consuming more space and creates large boxes. I would like them in the basic output as above.

Indeed, our own Spite Sheet Editor just doesn’t perform this optimization (removal of empty space) yet.

We have it in TODO: https://github.com/castle-engine/castle-engine/projects/2#card-55021482 .

For now, if this is a critical thing for you, I don’t have any other advise than “stick to using TexturePacker with .starling-xml for now”.

Good to know that new Sprite Sheet Editor options are still in progress.
In the “to-do” list it would be cool also if one can import a range of single image sprites instead of one by one. So ‘shift-select’. (yeah, this can be done in Texture Packer).
There is also a “Sprite Illuminator” utility that complements Texture Packer. Is it possible to add such lightning effects on sprites during running of a game?

The removal of empty space is important as I can really see a bounding box around the image running it in the editor, so I guess the Scene shrinks and expands directly around the image which makes collision more accurate?

See my topic on 2D collision. Eugene is helping me a lot here but I still can’t get it to work with physics.
For now I have the MyScene.BoundingBox.RectangleXY.Collides(StatePlay.OtherScene.BoundingBox.RectangleXY) but there is no bounding box here, it takes the whole sprite grid as in the new sprite editor; the scene dimensions do not shrink to smaller images.

This is already available. When you use the “Add…” menu item to add new frames (either by right-clicking on the “Frames” area, or by using main menu “Frame → Add”) then you can choose multiple files in the resulting “open” box (from Windows or GTK). Select the files using Shift or Ctrl as you wish.

I do not know the “Sprite Illuminator”. But if you want to add normalmaps to sprite sheets, and then illuminate them, this is certainly possible. You will need to process the scene nodes (MyScene.RootNode) a bit, to

  • find the TUnlitMaterialNode there

  • replace it with TPhysicalMaterialNode

  • and set there BaseTexture, NormalTexture to have lighting working on the sprite sheet.

Doing this would look something like this:

  // put this  somewhere at loading, e.g. in TStateXxx.Start:

procedure TStateXxx.ReplaceNodes(ParentNode: TX3DNode; var Node: TX3DNode);
  NewNode: TPhysicalMaterialNode;
  if Node is TUnlitMaterialNode then
    NewNode := TPhysicalMaterialNode.Create;
    NewNode.BaseTexture := Node.EmissiveTexture;
    NewNode.NormalTexture := TImageTextureNode.Create;

    Node := NewNode;

The above is a pseudo-code, I didn’t test it, but hopefully it should get you started.

The removal of empty space is important as I can really see a bounding box around the image running it in the editor, so I guess the Scene shrinks and expands directly around the image which makes collision more accurate?

The bounding box of the scene just follows the geometry (underlying quad) created. I agree that removal of this is important to have smaller atlases. Note that for collisions, the workaround it to manually use smaller rectangle – e.g. instead of SomeScene.BoundingBox.RectangleXY you can use SomeScene.BoundingBox.RectangleXY.Grow(-10, -20).


I get the infamous no member error again:


What do you mean with “normal map”? How should it look like for illuminating effects?

Thanks, that is okay for now but can you please take a look at my code in the topic “2d Scene Collision” for setting up physics?


That was a pseudo-code, really not tested. You need to cast Node to TUnlitMaterialNode in this case. Like

  if Node is TUnlitMaterialNode then
    UnlitNode := TUnlitMaterialNode(Node);
    NewNode.BaseTexture := UnlitNode.EmissiveTexture;

As for missing RootNode, you need to have a TCastleScene instance, as only TCastleScene exposes a RootNode with something loaded. So declare and cast PlayerScene to TCastleScene, not just TCastleTransform, making sure it is actually of TCastleScene class in the editor.

You do seem to have some basic questions. Remember you can always use API docs ( Castle Game Engine: API Reference , you can search there for classes/members too) and refresh your Pascal knowledge on Modern Object Pascal Introduction for Programmers | Castle Game Engine . I realize it’s a lot of material, but I’d encourage to dive in — you will be able to solve more of these problems on your own :slight_smile:

What do you mean with “normal map”? How should it look like for illuminating effects?

Normalmaps are a general concept in 3D graphics in all 3D rendering engines. See Normal mapping - Wikipedia and search “normal mapping” on the web. In the context of CGE, you assing a TImageTextureNode to SomeMaterial.NormalTexture . The NormalTexture is defined in X3D 4.0 now, Extensible 3D (X3D), ISO/IEC 19775-1:202x, 12 Shape component .

If you don’t know about normal maps or how to make them, I’d say to just ignore this part of my suggestion. Lighting will work without them too, you just will not see detailed “bumps”.

Update, as I just saw your hierarchy in 2D Scene Collision - #35 by Carring : your PlayerScene does not descend from TCastleScene. The operation I described has to be done TCastleScene instances, so in your case you have to do this on StandIdleAnim, WalkLeftAnim etc. instances.