Actually I am experimenting with a rallye game for 2 player local. Input over keyboard with WASD for player 1 and arrow-keys for player 2.
First problem: I use an effect from CastleEffekseer and I am not able to make the effect visible in the viewport2. I want to see the effect from car 1 in the mainviewport and effect from car 2 in the viewport2. I see both in mainviewport. It’s hard to see but both effects are on the right viewport.
Second problem: Playing the engine sound of both cars is mixing up to something undefined. Is it posible to play the sound from car 1 on the left speaker and car 2 on the right? Maybe this could be better.
I’m afraid this is not possible with the current sound API in CGE.
And it is not possible even with current default backend (OpenAL), though maybe our alternative sound backend (FMOD, FMOD | Manual | Castle Game Engine ) allows it.
From CGE, we don’t control what goes into each speaker separately.
We set up the 3D environment, with 3D sound positions, and 3D listener.
Then we let sound backend, like OpenAL or FMOD, do the job of mixing sounds and “spatialization” – “spatialization” means to calculate how loud is the output of each sound, and from which speaker it comes out.
This means we (from CGE perspective) do not even care how many speakers you have (and any non-trivial speakers setup, with even more than 2 speakers, see Speaker Placement Guide for Best Sound (1 to 11 Speakers) , is also possible – we delegate the problem to our sound backend, like OpenAL or FMOD, to handle all these speakers).
The only exception to the above is that OpenAL has special treatment for stereo sound data (if you load WAV or OggVorbis files which are stereo): they are them assumed to be stereo music, and never spatialized at all, which means their left track plays at full volume in left speaker, and right track plays at full volume at right speaker. But this feature is not available in OpenAL in other contexts, in particular we cannot say “put in left speaker the mix of audio from viewport1, and put in right speaker the mix of audio from viewport2” – because there’s only one “listener” at a time in OpenAL (I’m not sure whether we could overcome this by opening multiple output devices at the same time, but even if we could – I never saw separate OpenAL devices for left and right speakers).
But maybe there’s a different, simpler problem to solve here. I see that our sound output is essentially undefined in case of > 1 viewport, because both viewports will try to change listener on every frame. I just added TCastleViewport.UpdateSoundListener property to be able to control it: Add UpdateSoundListener to set which viewport controls the 3D listener · castle-engine/castle-engine@c4c6f91 · GitHub . So you should set UpdateSoundListener to true on 1 viewport, false for another, and the sound should then from come camera in 1st viewport. At least it will be reliable, will reliably reflect one car.
Going forward, it is possible to introduce a behavior “sound listener” that you could attach to any TCastleTransform to play sound from that position/rotation. So then you could set UpdateSoundListener on both viewports to false, and add TCastleSoundListener to some transform that is anywhere you want – maybe somewhere between/above the 2 cars?
Not sure if this is reasonable.
If TCastleSoundListener mentioned above seems useful, let me know.
I actually really don’t know what other games do in this situation.
And I happened to play a car racing game, on Xbox, on split-screen, with my daughter, just last week. The sound was coming out from TV. I admit I didn’t pay attention – where was the 3D listener? The sound was somehow sensible to both of us, yet it was coming from TV on which we saw both our cars at once. (The game supports up to 4 players even, so 2 speakers would not be enough anyway). But I don’t know how they did it. I would advise to check what other games do, and if you have conclusions let me know, because this is interesting!
I haven’t tested it myself but the effect will be rendered whenever LocalRender() is called so my wild guess is that because CGE changed the way LocalRender() from “render shape directly” to “collect shape vertices for batching and render them later” some time ago, maybe it is called for collecting shapes before the next viewport is enabled?
Edit: I just check it via nvidia nsight graphics and looks like my speculation is true. The effect in the 2nd viewport is rendered before the viewport is enabled.
I made a few changes so now effekseer should works property with multiple viewports. Can you checkout latest code and try again?
Note that this changes come with some performance degradation since each transform node now has it’s own effekseer manager instance and effekseer renderer instance, which will affect effekseer’s own batching algorithm.
Thank you very much for the changes. The effect is now visible in both viewports.
The performance in my case is about as good as before.
The property UpdateSoundListener is available and I set it for both viewports.
Mainviewport to true and viewport2 to false. I need more time to be able to make a definitive statement here.
I have tested now the new property UpdateSoundListener. I’m not really sure, but I can not hear a difference between viewport1 and viewport 2 = true compared to viewport 1 = true and viewport 2 = false.
The best result until now is for me, to create from the original engine-sound (wav-file) one wav-file with the left channel mute and one wav-file with the right channel mute.
I used for this the tool Audacity.
Maybe it could be possible to read the data for every single amplitude from the wav-file and modify one channel. So no thirdparty program is needed.
The solution that came to my mind yesterday: To realize this all using existing CGE playback (so the sound is mixed real-time, so you don’t need to upload WAV files with deliberate stereo with 1 channel muted, so it also works for setups with more > 2 speakers) you can also use an “alternative 3D world” for sound setup. The idea is to
Generate audio from another (3rd) viewport, This would be invisible, and have UpdateSoundListener=true (I think I would need to introduce sthg like UpdateSoundListenerEvenWhenNotExists property, but that’s not a big thing to add in CGE). In this viewport, left car doesn’t move, stays at (-1,0,0) position. Right car also doesn’t move, stays at (1,0,0) position. You place road sounds related to the left car in X < 0, you place road sounds related to right car in X > 0, and make sure you synchronize what’s happening in “audio viewport” with 2 visible viewports.
This is a significant additional effort, I know. But, depending on what you need, it may be smaller effort than generating stereo data with 1 channel muted. It will allow real-time sound mixing in 3D.
Let me know if this is something you want to consider. I can experiment on my side how to “make audio from viewport that is invisible”, ev. adding property like UpdateSoundListenerEvenWhenNotExists or sthg with similar effect.
Thank you for the feedback. I’m very sorry, but I can’t understand your approach. In my case the two cars are both in viewport1. I share all the items for viewport2.
The car1 is always on viewport1 (and camera1) in the same distance.
The car2 is always on viewport2 (and camera2) in the same distance.
Car1 is able to move around on viewport2 and car2 is able to move around on viewport1.
In my opinion the user should hear his own car, because the illusion of acceleration is much better.
I think you want to make a car driving by audible. That would definitely be very cool for the opponents. In my case, however, both cars are always in the same place in relation to their viewport and player.
One and only one of Viewport1 and Viewport2 has UpdateSoundListener = true.
The idea of my approach:
Do not place any sounds (I assume you use TCastleSoundSource for spatial sound?) in Viewport1 or Viewport2 at all.
Moreover set both Viewport1.UpdateSoundListener := false and Viewport2.UpdateSoundListener := false .
Create a 3rd viewport, let’s call it ViewportForSound.
This is an invisible viewport that doesn’t reflect reality – but it is used to setup sounds to achieve your desired effect “left car in left ear, right car in right ear” in a way that works with all 3D audio libraries and works with any number of speakers (even if player has 5+1 or similar speaker setup).
You place all sounds in ViewportForSound. I.e. you just add there empty TCastleTransform(s) with TCastleSoundSource .
You synchronize the positions of all sounds such that:
The sounds that left car should hear (maybe all sounds) are placed in ViewportForSound at position Vector3(-1,0,0) + (RealSoundPosition - LeftCarPosition) * Scale.
Analogously, the sounds that right car should hear (again, maybe all sounds, so sounds will be twice) are placed in ViewportForSound at position Vector3(+1,0,0) + (RealSoundPosition - RightCarPosition) * Scale.
The RealSoundPosition, LeftCarPosition , RightCarPosition are world-space positions of respective things in your “real, visible” items in Viewport1.Items (equal to Viewport2.Items).
The Scale is adjusted to make sure that things for the left car stay in the left ear. Other ways to do this are possible, e.g. maybe it should scale only X? Or maybe cars should be loud and start at Vector3(-100,0,0) (left) and Vector3(+100,0,0) (right)?
Hope this makes it clear I emphasize that I’m not sure
whether it will actually work right now – possibly we should add CGE UpdateSoundListenerEvenWhenNotExists property to make it possible to emit sounds from invisible viewport (ViewportWithSound.Exists will be false).
whether it is a workable solution to you. It does require a more complicated approach how to setup all the sounds and a code that runs and synchronizes them.
You mean with TCastleSoundSouce? It is simplest to just assign TCastleSoundSource.Sound property. The sound assigned there will automatically play, looping.
Another approach is to create TCastlePlayingSound instance, setup the TCastlePlayingSound.Loop as you wish, and then call TCastleSoundSource.Play(MyPlayingSound). This approach makes sense if you want to play multiple sounds from one TCastleSoundSource.
And should work out-of-the-box In this setup, listener remains stationary in ViewportForSound but sounds move relative to listener. Doppler effect should be accounted OK.