Many new things: Various editor, glTF, physics, sprite sheets and other improvements. Upcoming more: tutorial, sprite sheet editor, particle system news

Castle Game Engine editor

We’re busy doing a lot of things 🙂

  1. The pull request with our own sprite sheet editor and format is in-progress. Thanks to Andrzej Kilijański!

  2. New tutorial is being finished: using CGE editor, from scratch to a complete game. Thanks to Eugene Loza!

  3. GPU-based particles in 2D and 3D. See forum posts about GPU-based 3D particle system for CGE (with editor), 2D particle system now supports GPU-based particles. Thanks to Trung Le (Kagamma)!

    Try it out already — I want to make dedicated posts about them, and also think about integrating into engine core in the future.

The new engine features available now as part of regular engine download:

  1. CGE editor: Directory operations: create, delete directory from the editor. Proper refresh (to show new dirs on the left, available in both panels, done automatically too when switching applications).

  2. CGE editor: Undo for properties changed by a dialog (thanks to Eugene Loza).

  3. CGE editor: Easier textual input of TCastleTransform.Scale, you can just type a single float (by Andrzej Kilijański and Michalis).

  4. CGE editor: Less alarming exception messages. Better behavior when opening invalid design files.

  5. CGE editor: Remembers window state and sizes (thanks to Eugene Loza).

  6. glTF: Support STEP interpolation in animations (you can try glTF-Sample-Models/2.0/InterpolationTest/ (from Khronos) to test).

  7. glTF: Important reading fix, in particular visible on some Kenney glTF models.

  8. Sprite sheets and images loaded to TCastleScene: by default do not force power-of-2 texture.

  9. Physics: gravity strength, very useful for 2D game when often 1 unit is not 1 meter (thanks to Andrzej Kilijański).

  10. Physics: capsule collider (thanks to Andrzej Kilijański).

  11. Transform feedback (TGLSLProgram.SetTransformFeedbackVaryings) with demo in examples/3d_rendering_processing/transform_feedback.lpr (thanks to Trung Le (Kagamma)).

  12. Theme images now use TCastlePersistentImage (thanks to Eugene Loza). Updated documentation about theme — the usage is now often simpler.

  13. Fixes to handlings URLs with anchors (by Andrzej Kilijański and Michalis).