Coding games using Castle Game Engine and Delphi - our presentation from Dev Days of Summer 2024

Pirates - at Dev Days Summer 2024!

Our news have been quiet in the last 2 weeks, and in effect we have a backlog of many neat new improvements to announce. So stay tuned, and be prepared for more noise than usual from our blog in the upcoming days πŸ™‚

First of all, our presentation from Embarcadero Dev Days of Summer 2024 is available to watch on YouTube:

If you missed it (it was originally played on August 21st), we recommend you check it out! This is our latest and right now the most up-to-date presentation on how to make a new game using Castle Game Engine.

There’s an associated demo project: Pirate shooting balls at skeletons, using physics. Yeah, as the name implies, it is the most impressive and creative game ever made in 2024! πŸ™‚

You can also browse the slides.

It makes sense for both FPC and Delphi users, naturally β€” as our engine supports both FPC and Delphi, and everything we show really applies to both. For Pascal editing you can use any IDE, including Delphi, Lazarus and VS Code.