In castle-user-interface I set TCastleWalkNavigation with MouseDragMode parameter as mdRotate. I added TCastleScrollView to it. If I click on the ScrollView then the camera starts to turn like if mouse button is hold.
I have attached a sample project:
test_view.zip (26.4 KB)
Thanks for the report with clear testcase!
Alas, I don’t reproduce this bug: if I press + drag the mouse over the scroll view in your testcase, the camera is not rotated.
Here’s a quick movie documenting my test experience (you can’t see on the movie when I press my mouse, I know – well I was pressing it most of the time :), including over scroll view).
I understand your experience doing the same experiment was different, then I have 2 ideas why:
I was doing just 4 days ago changes around this logic. This commit may be important More reliable MouseDraggingStarted · castle-engine/castle-engine@9d16b2b · GitHub , as well as few other surrounding from Commits · castle-engine/castle-engine · GitHub . In this case, it is possible I did fix your issue “by the way”. I had a similar issue (though with mdWalkRotate and TCastleTouchNavigation) that I was fixing.
So if you used an older CGE version, please retest with the very latest version from Download | Castle Game Engine .
Maybe there’s some platform-specific issue? (There shouldn’t be, our UI is drawn by ourselves and cross-platform…) In this case, please specify your operating system (Windows, Linux) and compiler (FPC, Delphi version).
Yes You are right! Thank You very much for your answer!
The latest version of CGE does not have this problem.
This is a lesson for me: check all bugs on the latest versions.