I was playing around with the ‘headlight_test’ file and received an Exception, Failed to compile, status 1.
I’ve attached the complete text log, but here’s the end of the file where the error(s) started happening. Thanks for looking
Compiling .\code\gameinitialize.pas
gameinitialize.pas(29,28) Warning: Symbol "TCastleWindowBase" is deprecated: "use TCastleWindow"
gameinitialize.pas(88,18) Warning: Symbol "UseHeadlight" is deprecated: "create TCastleDirectionalLight and add it as TCastleCamera child, for a more flexible headlight"
gameinitialize.pas(93,18) Warning: Symbol "UseHeadlight" is deprecated: "create TCastleDirectionalLight and add it as TCastleCamera child, for a more flexible headlight"
gameinitialize.pas(143,12) Warning: Symbol "AutoCamera" is deprecated: "it is simpler to set camera at design-time explicitly, or use CameraViewpointForWholeScene to auto-adjust camera; if you want to animate the camera, attach TCastleCamera to a bone transformation exposed by Scene.ExposeTransforms"
gameinitialize.pas(144,12) Error: identifier idents no member "AutoNavigation"
gameinitialize.pas(155,18) Warning: Symbol "MainScene" is deprecated: "leave MainScene unset; almost all useful MainScene features can be now achieved without setting MainScene"
gameinitialize.pas(160,12) Error: identifier idents no member "NavigationType"
gameinitialize.pas(161,12) Error: identifier idents no member "WalkNavigation"
gameinitialize.pas(166,18) Warning: Symbol "UseHeadlight" is deprecated: "create TCastleDirectionalLight and add it as TCastleCamera child, for a more flexible headlight"
gameinitialize.pas(179,30) Warning: Symbol "TCastleWindowBase" is deprecated: "use TCastleWindow"
gameinitialize.pas(183) Fatal: There were 3 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: C:\lazarus\fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64\ppcx64.exe returned an error exitcode
Exception "Exception":
Failed to compile
Command finished with status 1.
headlight_test_exception.txt (21.9 KB)