Very New User Questions

Hi. I know Pascal and so far I have no problem using Lazarus. But I am trying to understand how the user interface for the Castle Game Engine works. I have read whatever I can find online and watched some tutorials, but much is still a mystery. For example, is there a reference which explains in detail what every hotkey does? There is no obvious Project-Save menu item or icon but at least that one is easy to guess as Ctrl-S. How about a Project-Save-As? But more seriously right now I’m stuck on moving components in a given direction. For example, I have a box I want to move and I see the red blue and green arrows but it’s not clear how to move a component along one of these axes. By constrast I used Blender in the past, and although it is not very user friendly for beginners, it was possible to find a detailed description of the hotkeys for simple things like moving objects around on the x-y-z axes. I see potential using CGE but I don’t have time to guess how things work. Please help.

Please follow the tutorials on Tutorial: 3D physics fun (aka "the bad way to play chess") | Castle Game Engine and watch our presentation on .

The hotkeys are also available as menu item shortcuts, you can explore them by just exploring the menu.

There are some navigation key also available, shared by most other 3D applications, games and game engines – most of listed in " 3. Navigating with keys and mouse" Castle Model Viewer (formerly view3dscene) | Castle Game Engine .

You don’t need to save a project – you only save a design, you can find save menu items with shortcuts in the “Design” menu. Please follow above tutorials for a full explanation what’s a “design”.

To move the component along the axis, just drag the arrow. This is similar to the default “object manipulator” gizmo found in Blender, Unity and other 3D applications.

Thanks for the quick reply. :grinning: