My first cloud mesh

I gave up on trying to get different terrain noises to transition. So I went for something more fun… clouds! This is based on the same mesh as the water mesh, with a top and a bottom mesh with different values. Much lower detail than the terrain/water. This cloud is tied to the terrain tile underneath… eventually clouds can be everywhere and dynamic top and bottom. I modified the mesh code to allow reindexing to remove triangles where the clouddepth (top-bottom) is too small. This leaves the vertexes the same, but allows punching holes in the mesh. This is generated with some simple sines and randomness.


A more turbulent cloud casts a shadow. Since triangles are deleted where the cloud is thin, it casts shadows nicely.


Sunset (emissive) coloring at 10:30am.


I now have a grid of cloud tiles so they can extend as far as needed.

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Those weren’t really lining up seamlessly. So much struggle to get them to. Between getting the data generation to be seamless between tiles, and then getting the tiles seamless to each other, and getting the index update to add only the correct triangles from each tile mesh seamlessly… with so many variables to compound wrongness. Finally. Whew.

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