Is there any way to change the default font file of all UI components in the entire view?

Is there any way to change the default font file of all UI components in the entire view? If setting it in the UI causes slow game entry and slow UI opening, I can only manually adjust it ChrName.CustomFont := g_GameFont;
ChrGrade.CustomFont := g_GameFont;
ChrJob.CustomFont := g_GameFont; But the components are very accurate. Is there any way to directly set the default font file for this view?, The current method is to start reading configuration file settings, but it affects the speed of entering the game

You can use Customize look by CastleSettings.xml | Manual | Castle Game Engine to change the default font of the entire application.

But I understand this may be too much, you say you only want to change given view. You can use a routine like this (adapted from castle-engine/src/ui/ at 6d619d93a51e5b80a6494f17672427a50fc77100 · castle-engine/castle-engine · GitHub ):

procedure ForceMyFont(const Ui: TCastleUserInterface; const MyFont: TCastleFont);
  Child: TCastleUserInterface;
  if Ui is TCastleUserInterfaceFont then
    TCastleUserInterfaceFont(Ui).CustomFont := MyFont;
  for Child in Ui do
    ForceMyFont(Child, MyFont);

From you view’s Start method just call it like ForceMyFont(Self, MyFont) .

Thank you.