Now I’m on Windows 11 trying to re-compile the editor (version 7.0-alpha3.snapshot) with custom components but it ends with this error (and a few related more):
C:\prog\motores\CastleGameEngine\tools\common-code\toolmanifest.pas(144,29) Error: (5000) Identifier not found “TProjectDependencies”
I’m using FPC 3.2.2 and Lazarus 3.4. On Linux I’m using FPC 3.2.0 and Lazarus 3.4 and it compiles without error but a few warnings.
I was about to upgrade Lazarus but the site is down right now.
Hm, you generally do not need to uninstall previous engine version if you “update in place”. Our Windows installer (if you download binaries from Download | Castle Game Engine ) has been specifically tested to ensure smooth upgrades (without the need to uninstall old version first).
Maybe there’s something we should fix – can you describe in more details
how did you install CGE originally? I can see that old version (known to Lazarus) is in C:\prog\motores\CastleGameEngine .
how did you update CGE?
Your messages did indicate you had 2 versions of CGE sources, one old (C:\prog\motores\CastleGameEngine) and one new.
( I understand you solved the issue anyway on your system. But in any case more info would be appreciated – we want to ensure “smooth upgrades” for people, without the need to uninstall. So if there’s some bug there, I’d like to fix it )