0RC1 is an invalid integer

I just downloaded and installed Castle Engine and when I entered preferences this warning error keeps popping up incessantly. Not sure what to do about this.

2022-01-06 00_17_24-Choose Project _ Castle Game Engine Editor

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Hi and welcome!

Can you please give a bit more details on the background?

  • What is your OS version? Is it Windows 10 or different?
  • What is your Lazarus/FPC version? Or are you using Delphi?
  • How did you download Castle Game Engine - binaries from the main page or checked out GitHub repository and built manually from the sources?

It seems like some version is reported as Something 2.0RC1 and Castle-Editor expects last thing to be an integer 0, and gets confused with 0RC1. E.g. Lazarus 2.2.0RC1 may indeed trigger something like that:


Investigating more, yes indeed, as we do Major, Minor, Release: Integer; in ToolFpcVersion.pas that means we’ll run into an error with Release = "0RC1".

Thank you for reporting! I’ll look into it ASAP.

Meanwhile it may be reasonable to upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.0, not Release Candidate. It will both increase stability of Lazarus due to bugfixes and you won’t have to wait until the fix is applied and new binaries are built (which may not happen today).

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I’ve proposed a fix in Fix lazarus release candidate version parsing by eugeneloza · Pull Request #356 · castle-engine/castle-engine · GitHub - you may track the status there. Or alternatively you can check out that branch and build Castle-Editor from the sources. It should work for your case now without upgrading Lazarus version.

Thank you Eugene for looking into this. I’ve upgraded to Lazarus 2.2.0 and the issue is resolved now. Cheers. :+1:

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And the fix Fix lazarus release candidate version parsing by eugeneloza · Pull Request #356 · castle-engine/castle-engine · GitHub has been merged to CGE master :slight_smile: Thank you both for the report and resolution!